Dust Pan Cookies

This is a cute Christmas time gift for your neighbors or for bake sales. Bake some arrange the cookies on the dustpan. Then wrap in colored cellophane, tie with ribbon and attach this poem. “I was baking some cookies When they dropped on the floor So I scooped them...
Cookie Cutter Gift

Cookie Cutter Gift

With just a few simple supplies, you can create a sweet and thoughtful gift to share with your loved ones this holiday season. This inexpensive and easy-to-make gift is perfect for adding to a stocking, giving to coworkers or neighbors, or simply enjoying at home. In...
Dammitt Doll

Dammitt Doll

Materials: Scrap material Poly-fill Button for belly button Tiny black beads for eyes Wool (for hair) Darning needle and black embroidery thread Needle and thread Instructions: Cut out two gingerbread-looking shapes out of scrap material for the body. (Pinking shears...
Graduation Basket

Graduation Basket

Congratulations on graduating! As you embark on this new journey, here are some essentials to help you along the way: Grocery coupons: Remember to eat something other than just Kraft Dinner! A roll of toilet paper: Make sure you know how to change the roll. Some...