- One large yellow plastic egg
- One small orange plastic egg
- One medium pom-pom
- Two googley eyes
- Two orange pipe cleaners
- Hot glue gun (with parent supervision)
- Gather all your materials and have them ready in front of you.
- Cut one orange pipe cleaner into two halves and twist them into wing shapes.
- Cut the second orange pipe cleaner in half and shape one half into a diamond-shaped beak.
- Use hot glue to attach the beak to the front center of the egg.
- Glue the googley eyes to the front of the egg.
- Take the small orange egg apart and glue the halves side by side for the feet.
- Glue the legs to the yellow body of the chick.
- Glue a yellow pom-pom to the top of the chick’s head.
- Finally, glue the pipe cleaner wings to each side of the yellow chick body.
Your Easter Egg Chick is now complete! This is a fun and easy craft for kids to make and enjoy this Easter.