
  • Pink felt
  • Googley eyes
  • White pom-pom
  • Pink cheeks
  • Small plastic eggs
  • Pink pom-pom
  • Hot glue gun


  1. Cut out two ear shapes from the pink felt.
  2. Gather all your materials and have them ready in front of you.
  3. Using hot glue, attach the googley eyes, white pom-pom nose, and pink cheeks to the front center of the egg.
  4. Glue the two felt ears to the top of the head.
  5. Take the small plastic eggs and pull them apart. Glue two pieces to the body for the feet.
  6. Glue the other two small egg halves to either side of the bunny body as arms.
  7. Glue a pink pom-pom to the bottom of the bunny for a tail.
  8. Your bunny is now ready to hop away! This is a fast and fun craft for kids to make this Easter.