This craft is a cute one for even the little crafters in our lives to make for mom or dad.


4 Popsicle sticks
One piece of white foam sheet
Poster paints Blue and purple
Margarine lid
White Glue
Pipe cleaner
Black marker

1. Place some blue paint in a turned over margarine container and spread it around.
2. Place a square piece of foam sheet close to the paint then place the little persons hand into the paint and help them swish it around.
3. Then place the paint cover palm onto the white foam square and lift up trying not to smear the paint.
4. Then it’s time to paint the Popsicle sticks and allow both pieces to dry.
5. When everything is dry and manageable the Popsicle sticks get glued around the square like a frame leaving only one off the top but glued and ready to apply.
6. Take the pipe cleaner and twist it around the pencil to give it a curly look and glue it to top.
7. Press the last Popsicle piece into place.
8. Then write the child’s name on the bottom.

The amount of adult help will depend on child’s age. Older children will be able to complete this one on their own but little ones will need more help.