Large Christmas light bulb
use a range of colors, such as beige, peach, brown, and tan acrylic paints
Paint brush
Black permanent marker
Scraps of fabric for dress
Stiffer fabric for wings
Wool for hair
Small flower
Hot glue and glue gun

  1. Start by cleaning the entire surface of the light bulb with alcohol this helps paint stick better. Another way to make the surface more accepting of paint is to lightly sand the outside of the light bulb. Allow drying time.
  2. Then using your egg carton turned upside down, poke a hole in one of the departments for the egg and make a hole just big enough to easily sit the light bulb in. This helps keep the light bulb in place while you apply the first coat of paint. It’s also great to avoid getting messy fingers. Allow approx. 4 hours for fist coat to dry.
  3. Then apply a second more even coat and let dry for 48 hours before going on to do the facial details.
  4. When completely dry start to apply your facial features with a black marker.
  5. Apply a thin layer of finishing spray to seal paint. (I use a matt) and allow drying.
  6. Take a small scrap of material and sew into a small bag shape with a loose stitch all around opening that can be pulled to gather around metal of light bulb head to form her dress and glue in place.
  7. Then take a half-inch piece o the same fabric and cut about 4 inches long to form arms. Put a knot in the middle of the fabric and hot glue to back of Angel then twist each arm of fabric around and hot glue to front.
  8. Tie a piece of jute or ribbon around neck in a bow.
  9. Take a looped piece of wool and glue to top of head for hair.
  10. Glue a loop of jute to the back as a hanger.
  11. Cut wings out of stiffer fabric. Then glue to back of Angel.
  12. Finish her off by gluing on a tiny flower in her hands.